Mini haul

Hey guys, so the other day I felt abit gloomy and had to get out & do something, so I decided just to go and look around some shops... I ended up picking up 3 clothing items from Primark & Select..
.Houndstooth jumper - Select
.Glittery top (one picture, will insert another soon) - Primark
.Red collar top/jumper - Primark
My favourite purchase out of the 3 would defiantly have to be the Houndstooth jumper from select, Iam loving Houndstooth print and monochrome right now, so its perfect and for only £6.00 from £12.00/15.00? pretty damn good :)
The glittery top was a random purchase, it was mainly because I dont own many glittery tops anymore and felt like it was a great way to say i needed it! ;)
Okay the red collar shirt.. I never really wear red but I feel like it suits me in a odd way? Also it is not just red, its pretty much all white at the back of the shirt which i love! You could wear it with anything from a skirt, to skinny jeans/leggings.. couldn't go wrong...
I would also like to point out that in my photos you probably noticed im wearing my dumbo slippers.. thats because I wasnt going anywhere the day i took the photos so decided just to keep my cosy slippers on aha ;)
Anyway they were my purchases I hope you've all had a good day,
Thankyou for reading!
Gem <3
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